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Frequently Answered Questions

The LiveCD does not boot/only shows a blank screen

This situation occurred due to regressions in the bootloader, which the wider NixOS community was also affected. The bug has been fixed. Make sure you are using ISOs tagged at or newer than 6.4.9-2. Nevertheless, usage of the latest ISO is recommended.

In the Live environment, building the kernel/configuration runs out of disk space

Since /tmp is a subdirectory under /, which is mounted as a tmpfs, it is very easy to run out of space. This may not happen to you, but a solution is to bind mount /tmp to a real filesystem.

# sudo -s
# Assuming you have mounted your root partition (/dev/nvme0n1p?) at /mnt
mkdir /mnt/tmp -p
mount --bind /mnt/tmp /tmp
# See mount(8) for more information.

Setting TMPDIR might work but your mileage may vary.

Alternatively, follow this section to not build the kernel.

Substituter Setup

There is a public hydra instance acting as a binary cache/substituter run by a community member. Using the substituter will cause Nix to not rebuild the kernel, so long as non-default options like crash dumping have not been enabled.

Installation Environment

In the installation environment, the hydra cache is not currently used by default. Configure Nix to use the substituter by one of the following methods:

Since you will be installing as root, edit the root user's nix.conf located at /root/.config/nix/nix.conf to include the following snippet.

# since root is a trusted user, we do not need to add extra-trusted-substituters.
extra-substituters =
extra-trusted-public-keys =

This method is repetitive but is useful if you cannot edit the config file.

For each nixos-{rebuild,install} command, pass in the flags as shown below.

nixos-install --option extra-substituters "" --option extra-trusted-public-keys ""

You can configure Nix via the nixConfig top-level attribute in your flake. Installing with this forego the pitfalls with channels. Note that this only apply to operations done with the flake.

  nixConfig = {
    extra-substituters = [""];
    extra-trusted-public-keys = [""];
  inputs = ...;
  outputs = ...;

You may also use the flake template to not have to type everything out. Check the Configuration section in the Installation Guide for more information.

Channels users

If you are using the legacy setup with channels, you might still be building the kernel even if you have the substituter set up. This is because the ISO's nixpkgs flake input takes precedence over channels.

A set up with flakes is obviously still recommended since various pitfalls such as this problem would be circumvented. If you for some reason cannot or don't want to use flakes, here are the steps to install with the substituter.

# Ensure you are using nixos-unstable.or the latest stable nixos release.
sudo nix-channel --list
# Update nix channels
sudo nix-channel --update
# Proceed to installation. NIX_PATH ensures we are using the channels revision and not the ISO flake registry's.
NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos nixos-install

NixOS Environment

Configure Nix to use the substituter by adding a configuration module as shown below.

You do not have to perform this step if you use the flake template.

{ ... }: {
  nix.settings = {
    substituters = [ "" ];
    trusted-substituters = [ "" ]; # to allow building as a non-trusted user
    trusted-public-keys =
      [ "" ];